Meet Sierra Anderson

Reno, NV
College of Enrollment
Carrington College
Projected Graduation Semester and Year
June 2020
Words to live by

Actions speak louder than any words.

Hero Weaknesses
Cheesecake, Polaris Razor Parts, and Netflix.
My family is my biggest passion and always will be. I have three adorable children, a husband I absolutely adore, and a father who has taught me what it means to love unconditionally. As a family we love to go camping and ride our Razor. I find great joy in distance running and reading when life allows me the simple pleasures.
Biggest take-away(s) from your cancer experience
Nothing in life is guarunteed so it is imperative to live each day proud of who you are and where you are going with this one life you are given.
learn more about the scholarship

My Hometown Heroes is a 501(c)3 organization designed to provide scholarships for young adult cancer survivors between the ages of 17 and 39.