Meet Parker Fritsch

Fresno, CA
College of Enrollment
California State University of Fresno
Projected Graduation Semester and Year
Spring 2022
Words to live by

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in times of comfort and
convenience, but where he stands in times of challenge and controversy,” (Martin
Luther King Jr.

Hero Strengths
Cancer Survivor, Able to ride long distance on my bike, passionate, determined, a go getter attitude
Hero Weaknesses
Tiramisu, Tickets to an MLB game, fresh pine tree air
Camping, Fishing, Hiking, Cycling, Listening to Music, Traveling, Painting
Biggest take-away(s) from your cancer experience
Staying in that hospital bed all day everyday doesn’t help the pain. Try and get up and overcome it. Adversity makes you stronger day in and day out. Set your mind to winning and you can succeed.
learn more about the scholarship

My Hometown Heroes is a 501(c)3 organization designed to provide scholarships for young adult cancer survivors between the ages of 17 and 39.