Meet Johnny Hartman

Sparks, NV
College of Enrollment
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Architecture & Environmental Design
Hero Strengths
Stage IV NHL survivor, devoted, hard-working, goal-oriented, caring, and positive
Hero Weaknesses
Netflix/Hulu, In-N-Out, spending time at the beach
Traveling, cars, hiking, and architecture
Biggest Take-Aways From Your Cancer Experience
My biggest take-away from my experience with cancer was discovering how strong I can be. Since the moment of diagnosis, I wanted to take charge of my own healthcare and wanted to be as independent as I possibly could. It made me realize I can accomplish anything I put my mind to. Through my cancer journey, I was no longer a teenager; I grew up to be a strong, independent, goal-achieving adult.
Top 3 Life Goals
Make a difference in the world of cancer. (i.e. join a non-profit, help others still fighting). Travel the world. Compete in a triathlon.
learn more about the scholarship

My Hometown Heroes is a 501(c)3 organization designed to provide scholarships for young adult cancer survivors between the ages of 17 and 39.