Meet Jack Demers

Bethel, CT
College of Enrollment
Eastern Connecticut State University
Leaning towards either Exploratory Humanities or Exploratory Business
Projected Graduation Semester and Year
Spring 2023
Words to live by

“Be the best you can be, do wrong to no one, and make the adventure of life worth living.”

Hero Strengths
Three time Neuroblastoma Survivor, strong, kind, hard-working, respectful.
Hero Weaknesses
Junk food/sweets, Music, Sports
Motocross, Basketball, Hanging out with friends
Biggest take-away(s) from your cancer experience
Never take anything for granted, ever. This is so important and a lesson that many people do not fully understand, but since I experienced multiple “life or death” experiences, I realized how quickly life can be taken away from you no matter what age, so live everyday to the fullest.
learn more about the scholarship

My Hometown Heroes is a 501(c)3 organization designed to provide scholarships for young adult cancer survivors between the ages of 17 and 39.