Meet Hailey Runyon

Waterloo, IL
College of Enrollment
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Projected Graduation Semester and Year
Spring 2023
Words to live by

Before you feel sorry for yourself, think about the situations of others. Before you complain, think of who you’re talking to and whether you should feel sorry for yourself or them. Even if you’re in a bad place, remember someone else may be in a worse place. Don’t take your situation for granted

Hero Strengths
Brain tumor survivor, kindness, strength, music
Hero Weaknesses
Chocolate, Netflix, Supernatural, Riverdale, Stranger Things, electronic dance music.
Listening to music, playing flute/ piccolo, playing piano, Girl Scouts, reading.
Biggest take-away(s) from your cancer experience.
I may have been unlucky because I have cancer and had to go through all sorts of treatment, but my cancer was very treatable and mild. For that I’m thankful. There are plenty of other young cancer patients that went through more in a week than I have in my whole life. All things considered, I’m pretty darn lucky.
learn more about the scholarship

My Hometown Heroes is a 501(c)3 organization designed to provide scholarships for young adult cancer survivors between the ages of 17 and 39.