My Hometown Heroes offers a variety of programs to enable individuals, businesses, and groups to express how they wish to make an impact. Whether it’s through a donation that’s meaningful to you, or an opportunity to shine in the community, My Hometown Heroes provides a platform to make a difference through several capacities.
Each contribution brings us one step closer to awarding the next scholarship. You choose how you wish to make an impact, whether it’s through a one-time donation, monthly, quarterly, or annual installments. We recognize all levels of contributions whether through a variety of media outlets. My Hometown Heroes is a 501(c)3 organization and your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the law.
We offer merchandise and other forms of recognition through your generosity.
Make a difference
We measure success by lives impacted through the generosity of our community, scholarships funded, and survivor the milestones of our recipients. Make your mark today.
My Hometown Heroes awards scholarships for young cancer survivors, between the ages of 17 and 39, to offset high education costs and recognize amazing individuals who are pursuing their education and career dreams.
We awarded $22,000 in scholarships in May 2019. Based on fundraising to date, we're able to allocate $15,000 for our 2020 scholarship class.
Champions Network
Since we were founded in 2010, we’ve provided more than just scholarships. In fact, we like to think that being awarded a scholarship is icing on the cake. When your application is received, you become a part of the My Hometown Heroes family. That means you have access to a wide variety of programs to help you develop your resume, mentorship through industry professionals, internships, and fundraising opportunities.
My Hometown Heroes provides the platform and the tools and resources to help you achieve your academic goals, and land your dream job.
When it comes to making the most with our time, we believe that alignment is critical to success. With the Champions Network we align the expertise of industry professionals with the career aspirations of our scholarship candidates and recipients. When there is a match, we make the introduction for the mentor and mentee to coordinate a game plan to work together.
If your field of professional expertise falls into alignment with the aspirations of a college bound cancer survivor, we need you! Become a mentor to help our scholarship candidates develop the necessary skills to land their first job after college graduation. Help then successfully transition from college to career.
My Hometown Heroes provides opportunities to make meaningful community impact on local and national levels. We take the time to learn about your organizational objectives and provide sharable (and scalable) resources to help amplify your generosity to your respective communities.